An illuminated orange figure runs on a green spotlit circle

Melanie Whitehead Smith


Mon 25 – Thu 28 Nov Mon 25 – Wed 27 Nov, 6–7pm
Thu 28 Nov, 6–8pm
Across Leeds – locations to be announced
Free, drop-in

Made in collaboration with LGBTQ+ people in Leeds, HERE MARKS THE SPOT maps sites of queer joy across the city.

Projections of dancing figures pop up across Leeds, translating personal moments into public celebrations.

The short dance films were made in collaboration with dance artist Melanie Whitehead Smith and local people who shared their experiences of queer joy.

Mixing physical theatre, contemporary dance and improvisation, the films create traces of happy memories, played out again in the locations that inspired them.

Reimagining what constitutes a queer space, we’re illuminating Leeds with movement, energy and light.

  • Each outdoor location is wheelchair accessible.
  • No audio is used in the films.

If you have questions about access at this event, please contact

Photo: Jordan Woods

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