Making With / Researching With

Compass Live Art and Co-Creation

Compass Live Art’s approach to commissioning artists working in the public realm is often described as ‘co-creation’. The work is made with local participants, whose lived experiences and stories form central elements of work produced. Yet the meaning and value of ‘co-creation’ is widely interpreted. In 2022-23, researchers from York St John University collaborated with Compass Live Art to explore their particular model, seeking to collect insights into the diverse experiences, understandings and values placed on ‘making with’ from artists and participants alike.

From this we hoped to gather a robust evidence-based understanding of the impact over time of the work we do. It has been a chance to review in detail our current practice, learn how we may improve, share this learning with others, provide a framework to experiment with new approaches and move into our next phase of development with good evidence of our value, and a secure understanding of the impact we have on participants’ lives.

You can find out more about the background to the research bellow, or explore our two main strands of activity: conversations with artists about co-creation and walking interviews with Compass Festival participants. 

Background to the Research

An Introduction

Making With

Conversations About Co-Creation 

Walking Memories

Participant Experiences of the Compass Festival

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