Museums in People's Homes (Photo: Lizzie Coombes)

Joshua Sofaer

Museums in People’s Homes

Would you like a museum to come and visit you in your home? 

We have met with people across Leeds who collect things in their homes, we have heard stories about the things they collect, how they collect them, and why they do it.

There’s a woman that can’t resist a charity shop bargain, a man that has acquired hospitality gifts from around the world, a bomb disposal technician’s keepsakes, a Buffy superfan, a recycling obsessive, someone who can’t help but stoop to pick up her cat’s whiskers, and a guy who lives in a house of drums, among others.

Working with furniture designers Plaey, Joshua Sofaer has created a mobile museum comprising 14 separate artworks, each of which represents a collection housed by people he has met in Leeds.

Based on the Wunderkammer or cabinet of curiosities, Joshua will present a tour of objects from a portable museum and you can even visit a fun size café and tiny gift shop.

Using a variety of materials and processes, objects which sometimes have little to no monetary value, have been transformed into ‘museum standard’ artefacts, worthy of the high value we should place on people, their stories and personal collections.

Museums in People’s Homes by Joshua Sofaer, 2021. Cabinet designed and built with Plaey.

Featuring stories from the collections of Clare Bentley-Smith, John Boulton, Victoria Boyden, Gill Crawshaw, John Daniel, Tracey Dixon, Kathleen Henwood, Laura Hilton-Smith, Alan H, Ian, Jane Kettle, Christine Osborne, Alison Pidgeon, and Ralph Thoresby. Commissioned and produced by Compass Festival.

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