Two hands hold threads resting on an embroidered heart on a square of fabric

Ellie Harrison / Polite Rebellion

Loose Ends

Fri 22 Nov – Sun 24 Nov; Thu 28 – Sat 30 Nov
Fri 22 Nov, 3–7.30pm
Sat 23 & Sun 24 Nov, 11am–4pm

Thu 28 & Fri 29 Nov, 3–7.30pm
Sat 30 Nov, 11am–4pm
Trinity Leeds Shopping Centre
Free, drop-in

Artist Ellie Harrison invites you to make space for your chosen family tree in this gentle and participatory installation.

Formal family histories and genealogies might not show who really looks after us or who we care for most.

Loose Ends helps us see what our chosen families really look like.

Drop into Trinity shopping centre to work with Ellie to create your own chosen family tree. You can take it home with you, share it with others, or just have a look around and a chat about your chosen family.


Polite Rebellion is a disabled-led company facilitating the practice of Leeds-based artist Ellie Harrison, previously of The Grief Series. Their work is radically gentle and playfully subversive.

Content guidance

The piece discusses family relationships and so has segments that mention trauma, domestic violence and other sensitive subjects. These will be labelled individually to help audiences of all ages navigate safely.

  • Trinity Leeds Shopping Centre has a Changing Places toilet.
  • Wheelchair and self-drive scooters are available to hire for free when you book in advance directly with Trinity Leeds – booking details are on the Accessibility & Mobility Services page on their website.
  • Trinity Leeds offers SignLive, a Video Relay Service connecting visitors to an online BSL Interpreter during opening hours.
  • For more information about access at Trinity Leeds, visit their page on the AccessAble website here.
  • For more information about access at this event, please contact

Supported by Compass Festival, University of Leeds and the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Leeds City Council and Arts Council England

Photo: Matt Rogers

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