Redhawk Logistica
Measures of Us
Seacroft | Beeston | Gipton | Bramley | Holbeck | Woodhouse | Leeds City Square
We invite you to take part in a unique creative experiment. In different parts of the city, we’ll ask you to answer a question a day for five days.
At shop counters, in the pub or the entrance to the local park, you will find voting boxes displaying a question which you can answer by pressing one of three coloured buttons.
The daily results from each area will be displayed outside from dusk onwards in the form of light sensitive artworks. Shine a light from your phone or use a camera flash to illuminate the display and find out how other people in your neighbourhood responded. Find out where you can vote in the list of locations below.
At the end of the week, join us in the middle of the city to see six neighbourhoods side by side for the first time.
Beeston, Holbeck, Gipton, Seacroft, Woodhouse and Bramley will all share the same square as artist Rob Hewitt from Redhawk Logistica introduces Measures of Us at 4pm. Enjoy a warm spiced apple juice and gingerbread, and compare and contrast the results from our week-long poll of Leeds. The six boards will be animated by light and sound displays, that you can add to with your own torch. Meet people from across the city and celebrate our similarities for the night.
How to vote
Find your nearest voting locations below, or vote online here.
Vote at:
▪ St Lukes Cares, 246-252 Dewsbury Rd, Leeds LS11 6JQ 9am – 4:30pm
▪ Garnet Fisheries, Leeds LS11 5HY 9 – 1:30pm & 4 – 6:30pm
▪ Feel Good Cafe, Hillside, Beetson Rd Leeds LS118ND 8am – 7pm
▪ Community Hub, 190 Dewsbury Rd, Leeds LS11 6PF 10am – 5pm
See the board at the corner of Dewsbury Road and Trentham Street.
Vote at:
▪ Bramley Baths, 414 Broad Ln, Leeds LS13 3SR 7:30am – 9pm
▪ Bramley Community Center, Waterloo Ln, Leeds LS13 2JB 9am – 4pm
▪ The Bramley Community Shop, Unit 23, Bramley Shopping Centre, LS13 2ET 10am – 4pm
▪ The Unicorn Pub,165 Town St, Leeds LS13 3NA 4pm – 8pm
See the board near the bus stops at Bramley Shopping Centre.
Vote at:
▪ Hollin Park News, 2 Hollin Park Rd, Fearnville, Leeds LS8 3AS 6am – 6pm
▪ Coop, 260 Oakwood Ln, Leeds LS8 3LE 6am – 11pm
▪ Oakwood Lane Medical Practice, 2 Amberton Terrace, Leeds LS8 3BZ 7am – 6pm
▪ The Old Fire Station, Gipton Approach, Leeds LS9 6NL 8am – 3pm
See the board near MacDonalds on Easterly Rd Roundabout.
Vote at:
▪ Holbeck Elderly Aid, 99 Domestic St, Leeds LS11 9NS 9am – 5pm
▪ Out of The Woods, 113 Water Ln, Leeds, LS11 5WD 7am – 4pm
▪ Holbeck Working Mens Club, Jenkinson Lawn, Leeds LS11 9QX 5pm – 10pm
▪ Rydall Londis, 28 Rydall Street, Leeds, LS119LF 7am – 5pm
See the board outside St Matthews, St Matthew's St, Leeds LS11 9NR
Vote at:
▪ LS14 Trust, 45 Ramshead Hill, Leeds LS14 1BT 9am – 4pm
▪ One Stop, Ramshead Hill, Leeds LS14 1BT 7am – 9pm
▪ Deacon House, 1 Seacroft Ave, Leeds LS14 6JD 9am – 5pm
▪ Chapel FM, Old Seacroft Chapel, York Rd, Leeds LS14 6JB 11am – 4pm
See the board on the Green Opposite LS14 Trust, 45 Ramshead Hill, Leeds LS14 1BT
Vote at:
▪ The Chemic Tavern, 9 Johnston St, Leeds LS6 2NG 2pm – 12am
▪ Woodhouse Community Centre, 197 Woodhouse St, Leeds LS6 2NY 9am – 5pm
▪ McColls, 61 Pennington St, Leeds LS62JP 8am – 11pm
See the board opposite Woodhouse Community Centre, 197 Woodhouse St, Leeds LS6 2NY.
Please pay close attention to the opening hours of each voting location and be aware that these may differ throughout the week depending on the needs of each local business.
Measures of Us was originally created through a collaboration between artistic director Orit Azaz, artist Rob Hewitt and researcher Lisa Koeman, on behalf of Birmingham Cathedral and University College London Interaction Centre (UCLIC and ICRI Cities). This special Leeds edition is being led by Redhawk Logistica in collaboration with Orit Azaz.
Redhawk Logistica is the entity set up by artist Rob Hewitt to create collaborative social art projects and artworks that actively involve people. Redhawk often devises site and situation specific pop-up interventions that act as a catalyst to stimulate interactions with members of the public in streets and public spaces, reclaiming civic space.